
AXIS Sytem – Municipal Stadium of Braga

The project to replace the lighting system at the Municipal Stadium of Braga has been completed. This project included the replacement of traditional metal halide turf lighting with LED lighting using the AXIS Stadium telemanagement platform and also included scenic lighting for the stands using the AXIS Stadium system.

This project was executed with our AXIS management system. The system included the provision of our HPSV_V3 controllers and Axis FE Gateway management unit for field lighting, and the provision of our DMX Colour V2 controllers and Slave AxiS FE RF management unit (RGBW lighting for the stands).
These systems allowed the creation of various effects at the client’s request, namely:

✔ The combination of light and sound effects on the field during player presentations, at the beginning and halftime of the game;
✔ Integration of light effects with the control system of the existing panels in the stadium;
✔ Light and color effects in the stands.

This project was executed in partnership with Jolec Iluminação.